Thursday, April 2, 2020


Thurs. 4/2/20

Good morning, ALL students in ALL Krieger's CLASSES [1st/2nd AP LANG/ENG1102 and 4th HONORS AMLIT]! Please read the following letter I've written you all carefully, then each of you complete the **ASSIGNMENT I'VE GIVEN HERE FOR TODAY, THURS. 4/2, ACCORDINGLY and ON THE HONOR SYSTEM**

Happy Thursday, everyone! And I write that *happy* with cautious optimism and much reflection. But nevertheless, I'm trying to stay **positive** in light of a confusing time for us all.

I trust you all probably saw/heard that yesterday Governor Kemp closed all Georgia schools for the rest of this 2019-2020 school year. And while I understand completely the CV19 safety and health concerns that have guided this tough decision, I still am heartbroken that I will not be able to finish the year out with you all in the way we'd planned. UCSchools will continue with online learning the week after break, beginning bright and early MON. 4/13, but until then, let's finish out this week strong and then enjoy a much-needed, week-long spring break! 

Now...some of you may have the least amount of feelings either way regarding this decision; you may even think "this doesn't affect me at all" or " school!" ...this couldn't be further from the truth, kids. This decision affects. us. all--in various yet profound ways, whether you feel those effects now or much later. My heart especially goes out to all my seniorsY'all: know you are loved, and in the coming weeks/months, things will be made right, decisions will be made to celebrate YOU ALL as best we can as a community. I don't have details, and I doubt I have answers to many of your questions, but you know UCHS will try to 'make this right' in spite of the frustrations we live among right this moment. THIS TOO SHALL PASS, Y'ALL. IT WILL PASS.    

In light of yesterday's direction-altering announcement, I decided late Wednesday night (#midnightdecisions) to change/amend the original assignment BOTH 1st/2nd and 4th blocks will be completing on Thurs. 4/2 (*the original assignments y'all were gonna do will 'keep' til after break, trust me! LOL)

Today, THURSDAY 4/2/20, I have a *CONNECT CHALLENGE* detailed below that I'd love for each of you to complete some time today, THURSDAY, 4/2

Thank you. Not many statements, in two simple words, hold such power as those two words. Nothing is better than gratitude. It lifts both the spirits of the receiver and the giver. Here's what you can do:

FIRST: Wash your hands! ;-)

NEXT: Pick THREE (3) people to THANK/show your GRATITUDE toward TODAY and compose a quick but thorough WRITTEN/TYPED "thank you/note of gratitude" to that person.
  • a teacher/coach/admin/staff member at school or a college course instructor (send an email/social media post/text/phone call)
  • a member of your household (give a hand-written note or a personal greeting to a guardian/sibling/relative/close family friend)
  • a close family friend/co-worker/supervisor at work; a mentor or community member; pastor or youth minister
  • a friend (send a text/post on insta/twitter/any of those other social media do-dads y'all use)
  • OR...anyone in our/your classes, friend or acquaintance, who you'd like to surprise with a kind note/email/act of kindness written message to lift their spirits
  • ..and your pets. Yes; let's NOT forget about our fur babies. They count too. :-)

AND PLEASE: In your gratitude email, text, message, post, or note, be specific with what you are thankful for. Why? Because being specific with your "thank-you's" provides the receiver with validation that the choice(s) they made in some way have improved your life.

Everyone in your life--OUR lives--needs a 'thank you' in these uncertain times. Now more than ever.

**Please do not feel the need to thank me; however, if you want to, that's fine. BUT...this isn't an exercise in making Krieger feel good. :) You can thank any teacher--any person--you want. Heck, you can thank as many as you want.

I decided to do this because we're all--every single one of us--in this together. Now's the time to show solidarity and kindness, NOT go on WITCH-HUNTS full of scare tactics, unrest, and confusion. Let's be good to one another.

#unionunited #gopanthers #honorsystem #nothingtoturnin #trustthatyoudothis #proactive #adaptable #resourceful #seniors2020 #imnotcryingyourecrying #gratitude #thankful

...and one important PS for ALL
  • 1st/2nd AP/ENG1102: still having HANGOUTS today TH. 4/2 @9:45 and 10:45am; PLEASE BE THERE! LOTS to discuss! 
  • 4th HONORS AMLIT: you still have a required/assigned reading in The Road due tomorrow FRI. 4/3, so get that completed (detailed on the blog from yesterday)!

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