Friday, February 26, 2010


"'s not God's will that any should suffer. [However,]...we
bear the consequences for what we have done to ourselves,
and for the sin that rules the world. Jesus forgave
the thief, but he did not take him down off the cross. (13)
--adapted from A Voice in the Wind, by F. Rivers

I just read that statement, and I believe it's one of the most powerful and thought-provoking passages I've come across in a long time. Simple words with a very dynamic purpose. Perhaps for me, it bears the resemblance of a much-needed wake-up call, something to help me become more grounded in my faith.


A tenet that sadly becomes overshadowed at times by my own disasterous attempts to control everything. It's something we all tend to do--the struggle to control, to order, to obsess--but it is inevitably my poison. That passage above is just what I needed to hear, because in the hurry and bustle of life's ups and downs, it becomes much easier to focus on the effects of our decisions instead of the causes--the roots--of the issues we get ourselves all tangled up in. So, before the web becomes even more impossible to escape, I think God gently nudges us (or sometimes kicks us full-on in the face!) with the realization that we cannot fight our battles on our own. It just won't work, and will ultimately become a counterproductive, unsuccessful, one-sided EPIC FAIL.

Consider the cause, He says, Make good decisions in the first place.

I hope this helps others out there who are struggling as well. Who knows...

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