Monday, August 29, 2022

**ATTENTION 1st/2nd AP/1101 HW DUE COMPLETED WED. 8/31**

1st/2nd APLang/ENG 1101

HW DUE WED. 8/31: 

1) over the NEXT TWO NIGHTS, read the excerpt from *MLK Jr's “I Have a Dream” speech given to you in class MON. 8/29 (*SUPPLEMENTAL RDG. section of binder)

**If you need it, here's a LINK to the ENTIRE SPEECHstart reading and annotating at"I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream."

MLK, Jr. from "I Have A Dream"

2) IDENTIFY and annotate/mark THREE (3) SPECIFIC devices/lit. terms (i.e. repetition, irony, metaphor, allusion, ___tone, parallel structure, ___diction, understatement, etc.) you feel you could write about based on the AP Language rhetorical analysis 'mock' question below:

The following is an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech given in 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In it, King speaks about the need to re-examine the issue of racial inequality in the U.S.  Read the passage carefully. **Then write an essay which analyzes the language elements King incorporates in order to convince his audience of the urgent need for change.

  • Annotate specifically, as outlined above, any terms and devices/elements you see that would help you write a rhetorical analysis essay that addresses the question above*AND REMEMBER: A GRADE FOR ONE OF THREE ANNOTATED TEXTS WE'VE COMPLETED/DISCUSSED THE PAST 1.5wks OF YOUR CHOICE IS COMING UP/TBA, SO DO YOUR BEST WORK!
  • we'll discuss this text, listen to an excerpt, and hear about what you all found beginning Wednesday!

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