Wednesday, September 4, 2024


1st/2nd APLang/ENG 1101

HW DUE MON. 9/9:

AGAIN, here's a quick reminder of the intro/FYI's for this text:

The first longer text/novel we will study--Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried (1990)--explores the realities that coincide with war and our perhaps misguided perceptions of the complex issues surrounding combat versus civilian life; read The Things They Carried with the following concepts in mind:

  • take into account the author’s [O’Brien’s] purpose, context, and the message(s) he conveys through his stories of the Vietnam War, both as author AND narrator 
  • recognize strategies and tactics employed to broaden the civilian understanding of the atrocities of war and to explain current societal/political issues associated with the subject
  • understand the myriad of ethical dilemmas associated with war and the differing perceptions of TRUTH and REALITY that arise within the text

1) Over this WEEKEND (giving this to you now, Thurs. 9/5, so...FOUR NIGHTS!!), read the NEXT THREE (3) CHAPTERS/*VIGNETTES* of O'Brien's TTTC, listed below:
  • "The Dentist"
  • "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong"
  • "Stockings"

2) As you read, consider the bulleted points above in the QUICK INTROmake notes [post-its, preferably] of any details, plot points, memories, descriptions, etc. that you believe carry O'Brien's stories

3) AND FINALLY: to be sure you all get the 'gist' of this next reading of O'Brien's stories of war, take a look at the list of questions below laid out for these next three (3) chapters
  • of the questions below for each chapter, FOR JOURNAL #3 (PART II--part I was in class Thurs. 9/5!!) CHOOSE TWO PER CHAPTER TO ANSWER VIA WRITTEN ON PAPER **OR** POST-IT/ANNOTATED STYLE **OR** TYPED/PRINTED HARD COPY


“The Dentist” 
1. Characterize Curt Lemon and why he behaves the way he does. How does this affect your reading of the previous chapter? 
2. How did Curt Lemon’s visit to the dentist affect him? 
3. What is the purpose of placing this chapter directly after “How to Tell a True War Story”? 

“Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong” 
1. Characterize/note Rat Kiley, Mark Fossie, and Mary Anne Bell as you first see them.
2. Describe the changes in Mary Anne Bell from the time she arrived in Vietnam to be with her boyfriend until the end of the chapter. Be specific and record moments from the text (page numbers and descriptions) that demonstrate how she changed. 
3. Why do you think she changed? What did the change symbolize? How long did this metamorphosis take? 
4. Look up the definition of the word "metamorphosis." In what ways (note that this a plural noun) does this word apply to the transformation of Mary Anne? 
5. Does it matter that Mary Anne is a woman? How so? What does the story tell us about the nature of the Vietnam War? 
1. Why did Henry Dobbins continue to carry his girlfriend’s stocking even after she broke up with him? 
2. Consider the comparison O’Brien makes between Dobbins and America. How does this affect your view of how O’Brien views America?

SO, let's RECAP:
  • Come to class--PREPARED TO TURN THESE IN/SHOW ME YOUR WORK IF I NEED YOU TO!!--MON. 9/9 having read these NEXT THREE (3) CHAPTERS of TTTC; be ready for LOADS more discussion and lots to unpack; LET ME KNOW YOU'VE READ!
    • **NOTE: you may also read more/ahead, but you're only *required* to complete the assignment above
  • FOR JOURNAL #3 PART II on PAPER *OR* POST-ITs in your copy of the book *OR* hard copy typed/printed out, make sure you've answered TWO (2) of the questions listed above PER CHAPTER; that's a TOTAL of x6 qu's/post-its/etc. (<<more is fine as well) 
  • ALSO, make sure your annotated/post-it answers are more than just an arrow or a word or two; give specifics, "text evidence," and answer the qu's thoughtfully, yet still 'annotation' style

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