Monday, November 23, 2009

Giving [Random] Thanks

It's the time of year to give thanks for all the many blessings and wonderful people we all have in our lives, and in light of the fact that this has been a tough year for me (the death of two of the greatest influential people in my life, money issues--who doesn't have them?--four jobs, feeling very ineffective as a teacher/wife/human being, not being able to shake any sickness that seems to come my way; y'know just the usual 'ole stuff most people worry about on a daily basis), I was up last night late thinking about all the positive aspects of my life--it helps me to find the little quirky things in life when all else seems so frustrating.

SOOOO, here are a few totally random things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving season....


1). that I do not--and have never had the desire to--have either a MySpace or Facebook account.

2). that I have never watched a full episode of the following: The Oprah Winfrey Show (I've avoided that for 24 years--WOW!), Grey's Anatomy, Survivor (what are they up to now, like, Season 35?? "Survivor Attica--Escape from an L.A. Maximum Security Facility")

3). that I teach seniors whom I can vent to on my days of frustration with MEC, school bureaucracy, and the totally perplexing and frustrating freshmen class we have this year here at UCHS (except, of course, for my 1st block Lit. Center kids ;)...)

4). that I teach seniors who DON'T GET IT, and in a year or so, I'll be getting phone calls, emails, and texts saying, "yep, you were right--this IS totally like you said it was gonna be...."

5). that I have a Dyson Animal vacuum that TOTALLY SUCKS up all the cat hair that I thought I had gotten with the other vacuum. That thing is amazing!!

6). for Pepperidge Farm Coconut three-layer cake. Totally love that stuff!

7). that Jon and I have TV shows that we enjoy watching together--NCIS, CSI, and Top Gear

8). for the invention of the Snuggie. And, to all those false imitators out there--hey Slanket, I'm talking to YOU!--you'll never live up to the reputation of the original!

9). that I literally have a different pair of shoes for all five days of the week, for about 35 to 40 weeks of the year. Really, I do....

and, finally...

10). that when I go to the snack machine here--or anywhere, for that matter--that I look inside the vending area where the item you buy falls into. Wouldn't wanna get bit by any live copperheads, now would we?????


skyebritni said...

Hey Mrs. Krieger! :) I think it's really awesome you have a snuggie... I have yet to get one. xD Haha, random I know, but I really wanted to thank you for your British Lit Class. I am currently at YHC taking Dr. Mark Rollins, and his teaching style is really similar to yours! and thanks to your class, I know exactly what is going on in 1101 and have made A's on every paper. So, the point being of this random note! Thanks for being super awesome. :)


Thanks, Skye, for the nice comments about my class! You are a hard worker, too, so that definitely gives you an advantage. I appreciate that quality in you, and I am pleased to know you are doing so well. :) Good luck on your finals here at the end of the semester, and please keep in touch! ^-^

Dakota Floyd said...

Hooray for the giving of thanks.

Hopefully next year will be better for both of us.


heather. said...

My dad just freaked when I told him that you watch Top Gear. He told me to tell you that he "loves that show" and that you "must be cool if you watch it" because "it is the best show on tv".

Also, snakes are scary. the end.